Thursday, October 05, 2006

A good / bad day.

Alright, today was bittersweet. But before I get into that, I'll quickly explain my lack of blogging in the past few days. My new apartment comes with "free wireless internet." Well, I guess you get what you pay for because it hardly works for me. I should correct myself-- it doesn't work in my office, but I have just discovered that it does work in my bed. That does not seem like a good sign... what do they expect me to be using my internet for?

Anyway, the good and the bad--
Good (Calvary music lunch performance) + Bad (sore feet from a long, complicated, unexpected walk) = Neutral
Good (Taking my last hour of work to see the new Smithsonian Rock 'n' Soul Museum) + Bad (a freaking terribly long walk that completely did my feet in and added blisters in places I've never had blisters) = Bittersweet
Good (A nice letter from my great aunt) + Bad (News that my great uncle [unrelated to great aunt] had a stroke today and is very ill) = Sucks

I'm also feeling bummed about my upcoming class reunion. I keep wanting to be excited and think that it's going to be a fun time. But, everytime I do, someone leaves our class a message talking about doing the least inexpensive thing-- and making it clear that there are people in charge.

Let me be bold and say that as an adult, I've done a reasonable amount of event planning and coordination. And, with that, it's rare that anyone wants to help. Personally, I welcome ideas and help... but apparently not everyone feels that way. Maybe it's just me, but I keep getting the feeling that some of those in power want to tell everyone to sit down and shut up.

Probably me especially. Ugh. I created a forum for the class, collected together more than 120 members so far... and in addition to people being happy that we've gotten everyone together, there also seems to be this weird sense of fear that those in power are afraid of losing control.

I guess it's that whole age of information thing. Life is more transparent. You can't just control things from inside a locked room and then expect the masses to follow.

Anyway, I really hope to help out in some way. Maybe my main goal was just to gather people together. I don't know. But I do know that I wish everyone's ideas could be treated as valuable. I mean, I feel like ideas are being stomped out before they're even looked at. Nobody in power even seems to have real ideas. But they don't seem to want anyone else's. (There have been quite a few civilians who have unsuccessfully offered up suggestions)

Ugh. Sad. I sure hope this is just temporary, or just my perception. I would really like the entire event to be nice.


Anonymous said...

I must say I felt the same way when I received the mass email about our reunion. For all of us that live far away and have to travel, take off work and arrange in advance to be there....I sure hope there are some things we would enjoy doing! I am equally as "frustrated" (for lack of a better word) as you! :)

Hey - if it is a weekend we can attend, let's just create our own events!

Anonymous said...

I must say I felt the same way when I received the mass email about our reunion. For all of us that live far away and have to travel, take off work and arrange in advance to be there....I sure hope there are some things we would enjoy doing! I am equally as "frustrated" (for lack of a better word) as you! :)

Hey - if it is a weekend we can attend, let's just create our own events!

Angela Copeland said...

I'm glad to know it's not just me. You're right, we can definitely add at least one supplementary event if needed.