Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I was right - Sinus Cocktail!

A few people have searched Google the past few days for "what is a sinus cocktail" and "sinus cocktail" and have landed on my blog.

Surprise-- they were all from Memphis!

The sinus cocktail is a Memphis thing. :-)


kat said...

I LOVE the sinus cocktail - it works like a dream and it works quickly. I guess you're right, though, it must be a Memphis thing because I had never heard of it before moving here, either.

And you're right, it does make for a very sore tushie!

Tricia said...

I am not in Memphis (actually I am in Johnson City, TN) and I couldn't live without these shots. I am not sure what is in them though and would love to know.

Anonymous said...

I was one of those google searchers. I was telling a friend from OK about the sinus cocktail shot and she had never heard of it. I was trying to find out what exactly is in it. I know cortisone (that's what makes it hurt and burn later)and antibiotics (I think). I have been sick with the Memphis crud for 2 weeks and got a sinus cocktail shot yesterday and already feel soooo much better! I never realized it was a Memphis Thang.

Anonymous said...

I got my sinus coctail today...and what do you know, I'm in Memphis. =)

I also found your blog through Google. How interesting. My husband who is in pharmacy had no idea what it was who knows.

Stacy said...

North Mississippi knows what they are... course, we're just about an hour outside Memphis. :)

Anonymous said...

I just had one today as well. Guess what? Memphis. I had one last October for a cold as well. I found that I felt good for about three days before symptoms of the cold came back (but only for about 3 days). I hope this time after I feel better I don't get sick again. Also...Does anyone know what is in these shots?

Anonymous said...

I just got one, I'm in Memphis!

Queen of the Kitchen said...

Well, I googled "Memphis Crud" and found your post. I am in need of a sinus cocktail, I suppose! (I work at a daycare, you'd think I'd get a special rate on them or something). Anyways, I hate the the sinus cocktail.

Anonymous said...

Usual contents are 1/2 cc of each of the following:
Brompheniramine (antihistamine)
Dexamethasone 8 (dex 8 is a long acting steroid to reduce swelling of sinus membranes)
Dexamethasone 4 (dex4 is a faster acting steroid)
Diphenhydramine (benedryl. This might or might not be included, depends on the doctor and the patient)

and yes.... I am in Memphis.

Tina said...

Can't tell you how many people have landed on my page by googling sinus cocktail shot. So interesting. And who knew that it's just a local thing...glad it's local HERE!! :)

Anonymous said...

In in memphis too! I ususally get them when im having tonsilities problems :) Can they make your butt bigger since its a steriod? lol

Anonymous said...

What are the odds of so many people googleing "sinus cocktail" and are in Memphis?? Count me as another.

Anonymous said...

Cleveland TN here - the other side near Chattanooga. I am going for one of these shots today - cause my sleeping is well....hack cough sneeze Zzzz Cough cough ....sneeze...Cough hack..zzzz...

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the Sinus Cocktail recipe (May 7th post)!! I am from Memphis (as I think you could have guessed), and I moved to Fargo, ND, about a year ago. Well, I got a sinus infection, so I went to the doctor's office and asked for a Sinus Cocktail shot. The doctor looked at me like I had asked her for a three-eyed alien. She seriously had no idea what I was talking about and even seemed to think that I was a lunatic. So, I've been asking people here if they know about Sinus Cocktail, and of course, they ask me what that "drink" is made of. I dearly miss my Sinus Cocktail shots, because I get sinus infections quite often. So, it was very helpful and quite entertaining to read these posts. The next time I take a trip to the doctor's office, I will be well equipped with my Sinus Cocktail recipe! (Let's hope she buys into it.)

Anonymous said...

I was given a sinus cocktail injection for many years when living in Huntsville, AL. I also asked DR in TN who looked as if I had 3 heads. But I have found 2 DRs who give them. Are they safe?

Probably safer than a severe Sinus infection.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I went to the doctor today with sinus infection. Gave me the cocktail shot and I feel 100% better tonite. I am from Medina Tenn

Anonymous said...

Weird. I've never heard of it before but damn if it didn't fix my head right up. Got one this afternoon in Bartlett (suburb of Memphis.)
Doc also proscribed an antibotic course and a dailye antihistamin for the next week but the "cocktail" has already releaved most of the symptoms.
Memphis "crud" is right.

Anonymous said...

wierd wierd wierd I am in Louisville, KY but I grew up in Memphis I have only be in Louisville a few years and Drs think I am crazy! I NEED ONE NOW! and no one knows what the wonder shot is.... sadness

Anonymous said...

too funny - also a Memphian & got a sinus cocktail shot today & feel amazingly better already & was very curious to know what was in it - - -and was brought here when I googled it - - - wonder why it's a Memphis thing, very interesting... while I'm curious what's in, i really don't care as long as it works this well

Lotus said...

Another Memphian here.

Yes, they work, and they are amazing.

Long story short: I had a sinus infection last month that left me miserable and sick for four days, despite antibiotics and decongestants. This month I got the same treatment plus the sinus cocktail shot and was miserable for only one day.

Years ago I got one and within 30 mintues, I could breath through my nose again.

I think they have a steriod in them.

They sting a bit when getting them, but they WORK and are so worth that slight bit of pain!

Anonymous said...

This is crazy that everyone is from Memphis on too...I got one today and have had them before, I usually turn them down because they give me a migraine when I get one but this is my second time sick in a month so my doctor said I really needed it.

I was just wondering if anyone else ever got headaches from them and wondered if you knew why?

Anonymous said...

^ Lifelong Memphian who has never heard of the sinus cocktail, but will inquire at the next doc visit. Obviously, I've been deprived.

Anonymous said...

Imagine this! I am from Olive Branch and got the sinus cocktail this morning in Southaven after being sick for almost a week and having taken strong regimen of Levaquin (750mg daily) for 5 days. I can't say enough about the cocktail. Already can tell a big difference. However, it is a "Memphis/MidSouth" thing. I grew up here and everyone that I have ever mentioned the "cocktail" to that's not from around thinks I am absolutely crazy. Glad to know what the ingredients are. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Just got one today, guess what I am from Memphis and coincidence again, I got my shot in Bartlett also, does Kate Bond ring a bell!

Anonymous said...

I am from NW Arkansas so it may not be exclusively a 'Memphis Thing' but I am and had my first Sinus Cocktail. whoa hoa! I will give Memphis the credit and simply say THANK YOU!. Less than 12 hours later, and much relief already. I went to a new doc, and now know where I will go first. He did a blood test before scripting antibiotics(to make sure they would actually be beneficial) and encouraged the use of a neti pot. If you are not familiar with one, google it....Although it is one of the nastiest thing I have's pain free and seemed beneficial.

Arlene said...

Hey....just googled sinus cocktail and ended up here...I'm in Bartlett. I've been getting sinus cocktail shots for about 9 years from my Dr. usually a sinus infection brought on by a cold or allergy. I googled it to see if it had any guaifenesin in it, as I was about to take some Mucinex for my chest congestion and I forgot to ask my Dr if I should continue with the Mucinex. Thanks to the May poster that listed the ingredients!

noone said...

I'm from N. Mississippi, been in this area for 9 years and suffered horrible sinus infections..Had heard about the cocktails, guess I was afraid to try it...Had my first one today..within an hour, I had sinus pressure relief, I can actually smell !!!! What a relief...I had constant coughing the last few nights, looking forward to hopefully getting a good nights sleep! This stuff is amazing!!!

Unknown said...

I am in NW Arkansas as well. Discovered the walk in clinic in my area (Open on Sunday woohoo) and had my first ever sinus cocktail today. After a night of fever and chills and feeling like poo I am so much better. I just started a job in a nursing home and couldn't risk exposing my residents to this crud, at the same time I need to be at work as much as possible. This shot is wonderful in my book.

Anonymous said...

I have had several sinus cocktails over the years and yes, I am outside of Memphis, in Millington.

To the January 13, 2009 post about the migraine......I have never had one until today after getting the shot. I didn't actually get the headache part, but the prisms things in your vision. My doctor has told me those are still classified as a migraine. But, they went away after about 30 minutes or so. I swear by these cocktails.

Anonymous said...

Ok Memphis, squeeeeze me in here.

I'm from Arkansas, and while visiting in Somerville (outskirts of Memphis), I got a whopper sinus infection. Couldn't take it anymore and went to a doctor there. He gave me one of ya'lls 'cocktails'.
Hot chiuahuah. The entire country needs to hear about these.
My sinuses were so bad, the doctor ALSO prescribed an antibiotic, a nasal spray, and something else. I forget. Anyway, the next day, I went back home to Arkansas, accidently left the meds in Somerville. NEVER EVEN NEEDED THEM.
After getting that shot, you are good to go in a few hours. NO LIE.

Now, here's what I'd like to know....


I wanna slap that boy on the back!! Memphis, you've got a jewel and maybe don't realize it.

To Anonymous in Fargo...
That 'three-eyed alien' stare??
Done seen it.

Anonymous said...

I love the Sinus Cocktail shot, but it has a few side effects u need to no about i shake at night while i sleep amd my mouth is dry thats all but other than that i love this shot very addictive stay in memphis tn...

Anonymous said...

It weird i was just in the doctor office and i recieve my first sinus cocktail shot. I was googling what was in it and landed on this page. I live boarding the Tennessee stateline in Southaven,Ms. I work inemphis and have heard people talking about it. So i finally get my chance to get one and i feel great.

mightymidgetts said...

Well let me tell you! I am in Hawaii BUT- I am also a former Memphian looking for a sinus cocktail info page too!!!It is a Memphis Thang for sure! I had to finally call up my old Dr. from Memphis to get him to give me the components so that I could live agian...this is my 2nd sinus infection and finally I can get some relief!!

Belinda said...

Hi, I live in Lakeland and a few of my old FedEx employees used to tell me about this shot but I never had sinus infections--until this year. Today, I asked for either a shot or a z-pack (since I've heard of both) and this is either my 2nd infection this year OR my first one never totally cleared. The doc said I was a perfect candidate for the shot.

BTW, he told me the shots usually consist of a steroid and an antihistamine, both of which reduce inflammation and dry you up. I was also prescribed an antibiotic but that is in case there is still bacteria lingering. Antibiotics don't help with sinus infections caused by viruses.

I was also prescribed a nasal spray to help ease breathing. I feel a little different already but we'll see how it works over the next few days. Of course, there will always be some people who get the shot but might not show any noticeable improvement. Just an FYI....I'm keeping my fingers crossed since this is my first shot!

Anonymous said...

I'm from Batesville, MS, about 60 miles south of Memphis.

I have been getting a sinus cocktail shot from my physician for as long as I remember.

And I know what it is made of, because I always heard my doc tell the nurse as he left the room.

A sinus cocktail is made from Lincocin & Decadron. The lincocin is an antibiotic to fight bacterial infections and the decadron is a steriod to make you feel better.

Knowing is half the battle.

Unknown said...

I live in Milan and work in Jackson- so not just terribly far from Memphis. And a co-worker of mine just left to get a shot as well :) Sounded good to me, but I think I'm about to get over my crud.

Renee said...

SURPRISE...I am in Memphis! In need of a sinus cocktail shot. Had my first about 6 months ago, given by a doc at minor medical. I asked my primary doc for one and he said that he doesnt give them!!! I was like what? You are a doc in Mempho and u don't give the sinus cocktail!? He is ultra conservative. So I am on a search for a new primary doc that DOES give them......any suggestions? I am in Cordova.

Phoebe said...

yep. i am from Memphis as well and found your blog by searching for "sinus cocktail"! hilarious.

Anonymous said...

You guessed it! I'm a native Memphian, now in Hernando MS. Got a sinus cocktail shot this morn. Head has opened up a good deal, but do have a slight headache-not bad. Still waiting for coughing to let up. Dr. told me to start anti-biotic ONLY if crud was still here in another week. I'm going to 'claim' the cure anyway. Tushie not sore and shot did not hurt! Had shot years ago. This is first one in many years---don't know why they were not suggested to me.

Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in Memphis and always got sinus cocktails. However, I live in Jacksonville, FL and got a sinus cocktail TODAY..HOORAY! Maybe the rest of the country is catching on, lol.

Unknown said...

I live in Jacksonville, FL and had one yesterday. SO MUCH BETTER today. I used to live in Memphis and thought i would never find a Dr here that gave them. My head is clear for the first time in weeks!

Anonymous said...

Another Memphian here. I found your site when googling for the ingredients in the sinus cocktail. I've been getting one for 10 years. I love the fact that I start to feel better almost immediately...but, because of the steroids in it, I don't sleep at all the first night...but, it is worth it to start feeling better.

Charlotte said...

I got a shot today or should I say yesterday too. I'm from Memphis. I can breath and TALK much better, but I cannot sleep. 4:08 am. Anyone else have the sleeping problem after taking one of these cocktail? :)

Anonymous said...

Memphis resident here...I just had my first sinus cocktail shot...feeling much better! I don't feel like I am coughing up a lung anymore!

Anonymous said...

I'm a NP and guess what I'm from Memphis. I came across your site randomly. I give sinus cocktails all the time and patients swear by them. I had one myself. I felt better so quickly but all my allergy symptoms came back in a few days, but I wasn't feeling miserable anymore.

Honestly I think there may have been one doctor in Memphis who created it. Because Memphis is a large training ground for physicians and healthcare providers it may have been something that was learned in training and that person passed it on to their student then they passed it on. I learned about sinus cocktails from my instructor. The books definitely do not talk about it. Just my hunch.

Anonymous said...

We get the sinus cocktail here in Texas... couldn't function without it! But I'd never heard of it until we moved here.

Anonymous said...

I rarely do "postings" on blogs, however, had the "sinus cocktail shot" this morning in Jackson,Tn about 80 miles east of.. you guessed it...Memphis! Feeling well enough to read and post on computer! Kim

Unknown said...

I moved to "Yes" Memphis about 18yrs. ago and I still remember very fondly my first Sinus Cocktail. It was love at first sting! lol I got one today and I can breathe!!!!! How does the rest of the country get by without these?!

BunBun4life said...

Yeah I'm from Memphis too! But I live in Sweden now and my allergies and chronic cough are a million times worse here.

I coughed so long and so hard I fractured 5 ribs. They had me believing I pulled a muscle, and then months later when they took some chest Xrays they saw calcium buildup from fracture healing on 5 separate ribs.

None of the doctors here EVER heard of post nasal drip, chronic sinus drainage or the racking coughs it leads to. They certainly never heard of a sinus cocktail. Except one doctor, and HE's from America! And I only got to see him once, he is in a different city now.
Even an Ear,Nose,Throat specialist who did some tests reported, and I quote 'I have no theories'...and went on to suggest maybe my coughing was caused by a bad tooth.

Anyway, I finally found a doctor here who is willing to just try whatever I want him to try and asked me to find out what the ingredients for a sinus cocktail are, and he'll give me a shot.

I am sure praying he still works there by the time I get my appointment. So far EVERY primary care doctor I've used has gone somewhere else. Apparently that's normal here - which is probably why so many people in Sweden don't get a cancer diagnosis until the week they die. Nobody knows anything about their patients, how could they, they're always 'new'.

Anonymous said...

I went to the Dr. Sat. Sick and I mean sick. 102° temp most of Fri nite. The FNP asks if I want a sinus cocktail. I said I've only had one but I remember it being a miracle shot. I live way down in Olive Branch Ms.

Anonymous said...

Memphis here too! Crazy but I have had the sinus coctail many times and it works wonders.

Unknown said...

HAHA, I am from Southaven (5mins south of Memphis) I just got a sinus cocktail shot yesterday and that stuff is magical. They really don't have it other places? craziness

Unknown said...

Even my nurse practitioner refers to it as the sinus cocktail. And yes, I'm in the burbs of Memphis! Had my first seasonal shot today!

Unknown said...

Even my nurse practitioner refers to it as the sinus cocktail. And yes, I'm in the burbs of Memphis! Had my first seasonal shot today!

Unknown said...

Even my nurse practitioner refers to it as the sinus cocktail. Had my first seasonal shot today. And yes, I'm in the burbs of Memphis!

Anonymous said...

So irritated,
I went to a minor med in Cordova, Tn to get my annual sinus cocktail bc I get sick with the same crud every year at this time. The NP said my test was neg for the Flu but gave me a prescript for Tamiflu anyway and basically refused to give me the cocktail. What is up with that? She said its only steroids to make you feel better, and I said "yeah?,but it works for me". She treated me like a cocktail junkie! LOL . So I a week later i still have the crud and in search of a place that I KNOW will provide me my once a year shot without issue. If you know of someone please post it.

Anonymous said...

Fast Pace Clinics will give them and know exactly what to give. Got one today :)

Anonymous said...

I am right outside Nashville and i have what the nurse described as "Tennessee crud". I just got a "sinus cocktail" shot in my hip/butt. I'd never heard of it until today (I'm not from the south). It's a mix of 2 steroids, dexamethasone & methylprednisolone. Plus probably some other goodness. It burned some & caused pain down through my leg at first, but now about 30 mins later the pain seems to have left. Haven't felt sinus relief yet, but I should be feeling it in a couple more hours. I sure do love TN but hate the way the crud attacks us here!

watson24 said...

I just got a Sinus Cocktail shot! I don't think I could live if I couldn't get one when my sinuses flair up!

Anonymous said...

Memphian here! I was able to get my sinus cocktail (first time) this morning and I notice a difference already. :-)

Anonymous said...

I got the cocktail shot today they work very well.they just make me a little jittery . But very thankful I got one. IM in Buchanan TN about 2 to 2.5 hours from Memphis

Anonymous said...

Depomedrol 40mg and Dexamethasone 4mg IM. They were hesitant to give it at first but pressed just a bit. St Francis Urgent Care Collierville TN

Anonymous said...

I'm a lupus patient with an upper respiratory symptoms the NP said I don't have the flu but my head was a little light headed and my nose is still runny and still coughing up phelm also my butt has a bruise and a knot it hurts going to doc tomorrow I had the sinus cocktail Sunday and still feel a little bad I wonder why I'm still feeling not to good can someone give me some good medical advice

Anonymous said...

I'm a lupus patient with an upper respiratory symptoms the NP said I don't have the flu but my head was a little light headed and my nose is still runny and still coughing up phelm also my butt has a bruise and a knot it hurts going to doc tomorrow I had the sinus cocktail Sunday and still feel a little bad I wonder why I'm still feeling not to good can someone give me some good medical advice and yes I'm a Memphian

damnoldgun said...


Been taking them once or twice a year for MANY years and, am about 60 miles east of Memphis near Jackson, TN.. Found this blog via researching whether or not it was advisable to get a sinus-cocktail shot with a pretty rough chest cold... I'm 99.9% sure that I'll be getting one in the early AM

Anonymous said...

Where can i go to get a sinus coctail shot i have no insurance and cant afford a regular doc visit.

Unknown said...

I've gotten a few of these, Very effective. In San Francisco BTW.

Unknown said...

I've had the cocktail a few times. Very effective. Thanks to whoever posted the contents.
In San Francisco BTW.

Unknown said...

Just got one today. I have chronic sinus issues and they really help. The recipe is slightly different with different doctors and NPs. Usually a long and short acting steroid, and Benedryl. Some have B12 in them. If it's pinkish red, that's the B12. I get a rocephin shot in the other cheek, and a prescription for an antibiotic, further antihistamine/decongestant combo, and sometimes more steroids, depending on severity. Not crazy about side effects I sometimes get, but it is the lesser evil.

Rebekah said...

Totally just found this googling sinus cocktail and I'm in Memphis ha

Anonymous said...

Jackson, TN, here! Been getting the Sinus Cocktail shots for years! Maybe once a year, or so, just when I get a really bad case of the sinus crud. Got one yesterday, and feel 100% better today. Googled "sinus cocktail" because I was curious about what is in it, although I don't really's works wonders! The only negative side effects I've ever experienced are that I don't sleep much for a couple of days after and I experience a weird ache in my low back for a couple of days. The benefits way outweigh the side effects for me! And, like I said, I've gotten them for years - so there have been no long term side effects that I'm aware of. Note: They don't "cure" your cold/sinus infection. They just get rid of the side effects of the cold for a few days while your body gets over the cold. So I feel good, while the cold virus is running it's course. HAPPY!!!

Unknown said...

I'm from east tn and had my first one today....what a difference! My sinus pain and pressure was so bad, it hurt to even open my mouth (the joints in my Jaw bone ached horribly) 8 hours later, I can breathe, barely any congestion at all. Miracle shot! Oh and they put b12 in ours over here, just a little added bonus!

Unknown said...

I'm from east tn and had my first one today....what a difference! My sinus pain and pressure was so bad, it hurt to even open my mouth (the joints in my Jaw bone ached horribly) 8 hours later, I can breathe, barely any congestion at all. Miracle shot! Oh and they put b12 in ours over here, just a little added bonus!

Unknown said...

I'm from east tn and had my first one today....what a difference! My sinus pain and pressure was so bad, it hurt to even open my mouth (the joints in my Jaw bone ached horribly) 8 hours later, I can breathe, barely any congestion at all. Miracle shot! Oh and they put b12 in ours over here, just a little added bonus!

Unknown said...

Haha this is so funny. So I used to get them all the time growing up. Wednesday I flew home from Asia and after suffering from the worst sinus pressure I've ever encountered I went to the doc today. I was like can you please give me a sinus cocktail? After explaining she was able to do it. I live in Nashville but yep....of course from Memphis too! Was just on researching actual ingredients and came across this. So silly but already feeling better. Thank you Memphis!!

susan said...

Best. Thing. Ever.!!! I might be awake, but I can breathe!!!!!

CuteAzIWannaBe said...

I feel like I just joined some type of secret society. I went to the doctor today because I've been fighting this sore throat/cough/chest congestion situation for a week now. They hit me with none other than (drum roll please) the sinus cocktail. I had never heard of such a thing, but the nurse said that they had been giving a lot of them the last couple of days. Guess everybody is coming down with this junk. Other than this splitting headache and mild insomnia, I'm starting to get some relief. I'm originally from KY, but I now live in (you guessed it) Memphis. With all of the bad stuff they want to report about Memphis, this city should get some props for this.

Amy said...

I moved to Southaven, MS (just outside of MEMPHIS!) from IL about a year and a half ago. Have struggled with chronic severe sinusitis for years- had two surgeries in IL. My ENT up there used to give me steroid injections up inside my nose right in the office (��). Since moving to the Memphis area, I've had three sinus cocktail shots and I LOVE THEM!!!! Same day relief, even after struggling for weeks on antibiotics, allergy meds, decongestants and steroid nasal sprays! Downside is that it magnifies my insomnia by about 100x and also makes me jittery and very talkative (can you tell?!) i got my shot this afternoon and it's almost 4am and haven't been to sleep-- not even a bit tired. I hate this side effect, which is why I waited so long to get the shot.

The ingredients vary widely by doctor but always contain at least one steroid (sometimes 2- a short acting and a long acting), sometimes along with an antibiotic and sometimes an antihistamine.

I firmly believe that necessity is the mother of creation-- it's no coincidence that Memphis is ranked #2 worst city in the US for allergy sufferers! No wonder this thing caught on here so quickly!

Unknown said...

My sister lived in Memphis for years and got the sinus worked wonders for her.she moved to Missouri and they never heard of it.I looked it up and gave the ingredients to her Dr but he never did anything with worked wonders.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to keep the thread going and mention I got my first sinus cocktail shot today in, yup, the university of Memphis area! Crazy to see it's such a memphis thing. Feeling worlds better than any regular medications have helped.

Unknown said...

Anyone know the place in Virginia to get this shot?