Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

Amazingly, I actually went out shopping today. This is pretty much a first for me, as I generally stay as far from the malls as possible on the day after Thanksgiving.

But, I went ahead and braved the crowds today to opt for planning ahead. I purchased gifts for my 3 nieces, 1 nephew, and my twin brothers. On top of that, I found a wristlet for me.

You might be suprised, but I did all of this shopping in under 2 hours. Shopping malls are just not my favorite place!

I made an interesting discovery when I stopped by a western store on the way home. I went in looking for a country belt and came out with something completely different: Lucky t-shirts. The country store was PACKED full of Lucky jeans, Lucky t-shirts, and Lucky dress shirts.

They were all priced at around 25% of their normal retail price. I was just amazed. In California, Lucky is like a stylish version of the Gap. It's where you go for $100 jeans, instead of $200 jeans. They're also relatively alternative looking for many people...

On that topic, they sell quite a few mens shirts that look like old style cowboy shirts. In LA, the stylish guys wear these shirts with their expensive jeans and designer shoes. Apparently, in Oklahoma cowboys actually wear the shirts with cowboy boots.

Wow, so anyway... that was an interesting find. I picked up two Lucky deals!

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