Thursday, June 20, 2013

Alright, I promise to stop posting about the Memphis To Moore event very soon. But, tonight I sat down for the first time since the event and saw all the amazing posts on social media.

So many friends, supporters, and Memphis news reporters posted great things about the event everywhere from Facebook to Twitter to Vine to their personal blogs. I'm so impressed and feel gratitude toward everyone for getting on board. Yet another reason why I love Memphis.

Here is a Twitter feed of some of the nice things people were posting during the event with the hashtag #MemphisToMoore.

Here are two videos that Lauren Squires shot during the event. For each one, if you click on it, you can activate the sound.

Enjoy! :-)

Here's the crowd at the event chanting "We love Moore." (yes, chanting).

Here's The Super 5 in action.

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