Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Another update on Moore, Oklahoma

As I continue to get questions (thank you for asking!), I will continue to post updates that I'm aware of.  I keep getting so many different updates about so many different people that it's become hard to fully detach from the internet and TV.

I did leave for a few hours today to get my car serviced and to watch the Grizzlies play.   I was still very distracted though and now I feel exhausted.  I can only imagine how people in Oklahoma feel!

My parents decided to stay in their house tonight.  Although the National Guard is nearby, they are concerned about looting or what else might happen if they abandon the house.  As I shared before, many houses on their street were hit, but not theirs.

For those Oklahoma residents who were not directly impacted, it's best to stay home.  My parents have been having a tough time coming and going because of all of the onlookers.  Here's the text my mom sent me:
"We can't get in and out of our neighborhood again. Police and national guard were stopping too many outside people who just want to drive thru to look. We can hear and see helicopters fly over. Neighborhood south across 4th not as damaged as i thought yesterday. Damaged houses are along 4th, so i thought entire neighborhood was gone."

I've seen a number of posts about the animal shelters in Moore.  If you have an extra pet carrier, they are in need of them.  There are also lots of posts about pets that are lost or found. 

I'm working to find out how to donate to the school systems there.  Look for more information tomorrow after 1 PM.  BIG thanks to those who have volunteered to help out here in Memphis.  I will keep you informed as things develop.

 The park next to my parents house, Veteran Memorial Park:

I'm heading to sleep now.  I will catch you up more tomorrow!  

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