Friday, July 07, 2006

Oklahoma - Part 1

I arrived in Oklahoma City on Wednesday afternoon. I, of course, started out the trip with a ceremonial meal to Sonic to get an extra long cheese coney and a cherry limeade slush.

The trip to get here was pretty reasonable. BoRyan flew to NYC at the same time that I flew to OKC, so we went to the airport together. This was especially good for me, since I brought a whopping 4 bags with me this time.

Being gone for 4 weeks requires a huge wardrobe - That's all I can say!

Anyhow, I was flying in the cattle class and he flew business class. Nervous that I wouldn't be accepted into the 'business class' check in line, BoRyan waited with me in the long @** cattle line. After just slipping past the weight limit on my luggage, it was time for the security line.

This time, I convinced him that I would probably be accepted through with business class, so we went for it. I'm definitely a rule breaker in this area. :-) I carefully gave BoRyan my ticket and placed it under his, to hand to the security person at the same time. This shows first that he's in business class and second, that we're clearly together. And it worked! So, we were able to skip past one line at least.

My flight however was a comfortable one - or so I thought. I booked my flight on one of those remodeled planes with extra legroom and other typically first class amenities. Unfortunately though, that flight was running late and I ran the risk of missing my connection in Denver. I HATE missing connections, so I jumped onto another flight to Denver that was packed to the brim.

Luckily, I made it to Denver and onto my flight to OKC without a hitch. On the flight, I sat next to a nice lady who seemed to be around 55 and who works for Medicare. She studied German in school she said, so Medicare wasn't what she expected to be doing. But after teaching for a while, she switched and she's been there 16 years now. Wow.

Anyhow, this flight went pretty well, and my luggage even made it!

Yesterday, I worked for a while and then my niece and nephew came to visit. They are 11 and 5.

We went shopping, baked cupcakes, and watched a movie. That's the short version.

Today, we had breakfast and then they went to a museum. I would have liked to go, but unfortunately, I really need to work. I'm behind.

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